We can preview our form in a new browser tab by clicking on this button in the toolbar that says open form. So we can simply hide them by dragging them off to the left over here. And we actually don't want either of these two fields to show up on our form, because these are actually for our own internal purposes. Now this next field is where they can upload their photos. And we want this field to be required too, so we'll turn that on. And let's type in something like, please type a short paragraph about yourself. So we can click here where it says add some help text. Now for our biography field, let's give a little more detail to the speakers about what we're looking for. And we'll do the same thing for organization. And we want to make sure that this field is a required field.
Airtable form update record full#
So for name, we can change this to your full name. Now one very cool thing is that we can rename our fields here without affecting the official names of our fields in the rest of our base. So let's say, thank you for being a speaker at our event. And not only will this name be shown to the general public at the top of the form, but also it has become the name of our view as well. And then we'll choose our Landon Hotel logo, and then we'll click on upload. And now we'll click on add a logo, and we'll click here. And now let's click on this button that says add a cover image, and then we'll click on select files to upload, and we'll choose our cover image. Go ahead and download that folder to your desktop. If you look in the exercise files for this chapter, you'll find a folder of files called form resources.
Airtable form update record pro#
On Airtable's pro plan, we have the ability to add some images to the top of the form. So for example, we can have a speaker add their information into our table, but they can't go back later to update their information. Forms can never be used to edit a record that already exists. And that's because they can only be used to add new records into a table. Unlike the other views that we've worked with forms always appear blank.

Now we're going to customize this form in a moment, but first let's talk about how forms are completely different than all the other views in Airtable. Airtable took all the fields from our table and added them onto this form. In our view panel here, let's click on form and believe it or not, our form is already done. So let's say that we want speakers to submit their own information into our speakers table, instead of us typing up all their information for them, the best way to do this is to create a web form. They can even upload attachments into your base as well. One of the most unique features of Airtable is that it let's you create web forms so that the general public can add new records directly into your base.